01 - Bruno Sanfilippo & Mathias Grassow - Cromo [piano & Drones] 3
02 - Gidon Kremer - The Lyre Of Orpheus
03 - Brian Eno - Breath of Crows
04 - Robert Fripp, Andrew Keeling, David Singleton - Pie Jesu
05 - Max Corbacho - Third Exposure
06 - Peter James - Relocation
07 - Marsen Jules - Sunrise on 3rd Avenue
08 - Steve Roach - Calyx Revelation
09 - Carbon Based Lifeforms - Terpene
10 - Rafael Anton Irisarri - Gloaming
11 - Markus Reuter & Zero Ohms - The Bridge and the Mother
12 - Mokira - Harold Dubb
13 - Apne Sinn - Still Transmitting