A new "Star" in the azure realms of Kundalini Mantra music: Jiwanpal
Kaur. This is her first album with eight selected mantras and more
tracks, touching undiscovered musical elements. Listening to the Intro
with a stunning, pure a-capella choir of the mantra "Ong Namo", it
becomes clear – this is a CD with a different magnitude, a musical
masterpiece of excellent taste!
1. Intro (1:33) 2. Adi Shakti (7:12) 3.
Har Hare Hari (7:01) 4. Har (5:53) 5. Ardas Bhai (6:06) 6. Ad Guree
Nameh (7:33) 7. Sa Ta Na Ma (8:00) 8. Gobinde Mukande (10:24) 9. Ra
Ma Da Sa (12:05) 10. Breathe (10:55) 11. Outro part1 part2